- The Adventure Takes a Surprising Twist
- One Charge Left
- Overland
Yeah, it's just AWFUL isn't it? That's because my drawing skills suck. As a matter of fact, one reason I began this blog was to document my shamefully poor skills--and hopefully--improve on them. See I have until May 2, 2009 to submit my illustration. So I figure I'll practice, work on ideas, and use the blog to track my progress. And you, poor reader, can suffer right along with me.
I created the concept sketch as soon as I saw the posting for the contest today (surfing at work, no less!). So let the record stand--today I had a terrible idea and put it down on paper--terribly!
Okay, so let me explain what's going on in the sketch. Those are two victims about to get squished by a giant's foot in some sort of adventure. That's a wizard in the foreground. No, that's not a baguette he's holding. It's a wand with...are you ready? One. LAST. Charge. Clever, huh?
No. It isn't. But I have some ideas on making it work. Anyway, I forgot to mention my disclaimer:
Let me just make it absolutely clear right now that I am not (obviously!) a professional or trained artist. I have zero ability. I'm as amateur as it gets. In fact, amateurs will hide their eyes in embarrassment (as you likely did) when viewing my "work."
I doodle a lot. but really, who doesn't? Nothing anyone could look at. And I break into a sweat anytime anyone looks at something I draw. Seriously, it's just mortifying!
When I got home this evening, I did a few additional sketches. This one is an attempt to flesh out some of the details in the concept:
Anyway, I think there are several elements key to the success of the wizard in this piece"
- Wizard's dilemma simplified so one can see a wand in one hand, treasure in the other
- How should the wizard's body be posed? Facing friends/gory mess? Or should he already be turning his back on them and facing the viewer?
- Wizard's wand needs to show visually the idea of 'one charge left'
- Should wizard have a look of consternation/indecision on his face? Or should it be one of quiet resignation? How the @#$% do I draw quiet resignation??!
In any case, that hand holding the wand is wretched. I need to work on that.
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